The KFC Snack Board Way

Imagine this: It's Friday night, you've gathered your squad at home, but alas, the fridge stands bare. What's the plan? Well, lucky you, that is when the irresistible snack board comes in! When a homemade meal isn’t in the cards, a snack supper night can be a real lifesaver, and guess what? This one's delivered by Colonel Sanders himself.

Indeed, as Easter approaches, families, and friends gather together to celebrate the joyous occasion. To keep everyone happy, we have put together a stunning platter with juicy tenders, various dipping sauces, crispy fries, fresh veggies, and fruits. Forget the hassle of planning, cooking, and plating. With this option, you can skip straight to the serving. Easy, no fuss. No bones about it!

Rather than throwing a bucket of fried chicken on the table and telling everyone to dig in, the snack board treatment can be a chance to savour a bit of everything. You call the shots on your dipping sauces, your choice of original or spicy golden nuggets, and your preferred sides! We all know that fried chicken is good with so many different things, but here, almost everyone is guaranteed to have their own favourites as far as sides and sauces go.

Variety is the spice of life after all, and with Easter just around the corner, there’s no need to overthink it! If you’re aiming to impress your guests, go for the KFC Snack Board and take your chicken wing game to the next level.

Bon Appetit!